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50 is the new 25!

Written by Scott Young

A triumph of mind, body and age, for at the age of 50 years, became the oldest major winner in golfing history.

In-person, spectator ravished, tournament golf has returned with a thunderous roar!!

Last weeks 103rd PGA Championship redefined the complex tapestry that is major golf through the color of the galleries, the splendor of the majestic Atlantic Ocean and the contrasting palate of the waste bunkers throughout (a particular delight of mine to see that most all bunkers needing not to be raked, adding far more penalty should fairways be missed).

As the sun set on both tournament and galleries alike, two winners emerged, the majesty of the Pete Dye designed Ocean Course, all 7,876 yards of her and the amazing Phil Mickelson, his win, truly astounding. A triumph of mind, body and age, for at the age of 50 years, became the oldest major winner in golfing history.

Mickelson’s win now eclipsing the great names above and was a result of one catalyst – hard bloody work. Hard work including the shedding of dozens of lbs, a resulting ability to redefine how load is generated in an aging golf SSWING and the dedication to create systems and mental keys to allow he and his brother, whom is his caddy, to remain calm and present. None more important than the idle lumbar of his methodical walk and the proportionate chewing of his insatiable gum. The greater the pressure, the louder the chewing. I would not be surprised to see Juicy Fruit or Extra on Phil’s lapel in weeks to come.

Across every facet of the golfing marketplace, Golf, like no other sport, is enjoying a thriving COVID inspired resurgence, with on-course numbers not seen since the roaring 50’s, this weeks PGA appears to have further catapulted golfing engagement and cementing customer retention for many years to come – in potentially a ‘post’ Tiger era, it appears our game is on a sound trajectory indeed.

Like Phil, golfers want to be better, score lower and chase greatest, and remember greatness is defined differently for us all.

As you close my prose and return to the ferocious day and indeed week ahead, please know that at SSWING, right now, we have a facility full of inspired golfers, ferociously identifying how they all can be better, and dare I say, “be like Phil”. For golf has a wonderful habit of resembling life, and for the golfers last week whom quiet their inner chatter, remained patient, and believed in their process, rewards abound. No longer does Phil rely on a sponsors invite into the 2021 US Open and future majors, no, his hard work and dedication to becoming better, has returned 5 more years of major exemptions and a lifetime of blissful memories reminiscing of a good walk, not spoilt.

Unlike most, I believe in the structure that an improvement of one’s self will create, more so than mechanics alone. So much so, I have proudly presented my entire business model, SSWING, around movement improvement  – it would appear, Mickelson believes in the same foundations. Spending just a fraction of your hectic week in here at SSWING will yield nothing but amazing improvements in your game too. It only requires the guts to try.